Thursday, July 26, 2012

Olive Oil for Oily Skin?!?!?!

So one day I was searching on websites on how to get rid of pimples. I don't have acne, but, I get a lot of pimples. So anyway, I was searching online and I ran into a video about olive oil, it talked about washing your face with olive oil would help clear your skin up. So then I was like 'Oh my gosh, I have got to try this!' It actually did clear up my face, but, you have to realize that olive oil isn't magic. You need to take care of your body also to help that acne go away.

I don't know how oil helps oily skin, but, when your done washing your face, your face is as smooth as a baby:).

*A small tip, if your washing your face with olive oil, massage your face for about 15-20 seconds, then wash it off with warm water.*

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hair removal naturally

It took me a long time to find a recipe that would actually remove my unwanted hair. So here's the recipe:

~Garbonzo bean flour/Chickpea flour/Gram flour (They're all the same flour, just different names.)
~Plain yogurt
~Olive oil
1. You need to have as much flour as yogurt. EX. 1/4 cup flour & 1/4 cup yogurt. (You can use as much as you want depending on the area.)
2. Mix them together until you get a pasty substance.
3. Add some olive oil, you don't need a lot.
4. Apply to the skin.
5. Wait for the recipe to dry, then wash off, I prefer just showering when it's dry. That's it! You'll notice just some patches of hair coming off, that's because you need to do it over time.

*You'll need to do this just once a week, and within a month or so, your hair should be really going away.*

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New blogs!!

I plan on making blogs in Korean and Chinese! I'm not the best speaker the world...anyway, I'm going to translate my older blogs, and make new blogs:). Those are gonna be on fashion and beauty. I'm gonna change this blog to clothing and beauty also:). ENJOY!!! Thank you!! 감사합니다!! 谢谢!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

How to Dutch Braid:)

First Step: Brush out your hair, and clean it out of tangles.
Second Step: You need to separate your hair using only the top section first.  
Third Step: Separate your hair into 3 strands.  
Fourth Step: Take the right strand and put it over the middle strand, then, take the left strand and put it over the middle strand. Then go back to right strand.
Fifth Step: Braid your hair to the middle, then start braiding your hair over to the other side.  
Sixth Step: When you get all your hair to one side, you can either use the same braid, or you can start using the normal braid.  
Seventh Step: Take a hair tie and tie off the bottom.
Eighth Step: If you want you can hairspray down fly-aways. But, basically your done.
Ninth Step: You can add in an accessory, like a flower or a headband.
*Tip* This braid seems to be like a reverse braid, so don't think too much about the braid, you'll get use to it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Keratosis Pilaris Problem.

I'm sorry I've been off forever!! I've just been super busy..then I realized they had blogger on android...anyway...the subject I'm going to talk about today is keratosis pilaris. I have this problem. It's basically these red bumps on your skin. (Look it up if you still don't know.) How to get rid of this? You can't. You can only reduce it.
As you see, this is what keratosis pilaris is. Like I said, it's red bumps on the skin. Here are steps on how to reduce keratosis pilaris:
1. Use a loofah sponge, you need to scrub these puppies off. Don't scrub to the point your arm is bleeding.
2. Try coconut oil. You can even try mixing coconut oil and apple cider vinegar, do it 50/50.
3. Try using apple cider vinegar, this can help acne too. If it doesn't work, that's okay. There's still other choices:)
4. Use tea tree oil. This is very good for your skin! I use it 3 times a day. And it really seems to help. It may have a burning feeling for awhile, then will go away.
*Tip* you can use tea tree oil for your face, but mix it with water. 1 tablespoons of oil, and 9 tablespoons of water. If this doesn't work put 2 tablespoons of oil, and 8 tablespoons of water. And keep going from there.
If you have anymore questions, let me know >_<

~ U P D A T E ~
My keratosis pilaris has gone down a lot in the past few years. I've been using coconut oil, and that's what seemed to work the best of the the 3 products above.  My skin feels much smoother, and looks almost normal. I'll keep updating until my keratosis pilaris is completely gone:3

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Beauty Tip #6

A good way of getting rid of pimples is using rice water...(I might have said oatmeal water in my other posts but they're both as good:))
What you do is, First: Take 1/2 cup rice and put it in a small bowl with water and stir. Second: Drain rice, take the water and put it into a small bottle, that is your new toner.
This is optional but what you do is take some paper towels and cut a mouth, nose, and eyes' hole; then you dip it into the extra rice water for 5-10 seconds. Take it out and put it on your face, try to adjust it to your face shape, once the mask is adjusted leave the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes.
Your skin should feel soft and smooth:)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Beauty Tip #5

If you ever get sunburned don't touch it. Put aloe vera on it so it can heal can also try putting milk on your sunburn to prevent it from peeling and you can try using coconut does the same thing and changes your sunburn into a tan...but you should always put on sunscreen so you won't get sunburned and still get a tan.