Monday, June 18, 2012

Hair removal naturally

It took me a long time to find a recipe that would actually remove my unwanted hair. So here's the recipe:

~Garbonzo bean flour/Chickpea flour/Gram flour (They're all the same flour, just different names.)
~Plain yogurt
~Olive oil
1. You need to have as much flour as yogurt. EX. 1/4 cup flour & 1/4 cup yogurt. (You can use as much as you want depending on the area.)
2. Mix them together until you get a pasty substance.
3. Add some olive oil, you don't need a lot.
4. Apply to the skin.
5. Wait for the recipe to dry, then wash off, I prefer just showering when it's dry. That's it! You'll notice just some patches of hair coming off, that's because you need to do it over time.

*You'll need to do this just once a week, and within a month or so, your hair should be really going away.*


  1. Does this also works on the armpits? Or better yet coarse hair?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. its also work on men skins????????
    its safe to used in privet area and whole body ??????

    1. All the ingredients are natural and can go on your body. Just be sure that none of the ingredients get into the body through any orphases.

    2. i try this 5-6 day but nothing in hair come off....

      please help to fast ......

      bc i have long hair on body i direct apply on there areas .....
      plz plz plz fast reply
      Thank u

    3. The hair removal recipe does take a long have to do it for once, each week for about a month before you start noticing a change. I'm sorry:( it will take a while...

    4. thank u very much .....

      But now i have some query...
      1. can i make thick past ???? in thick paste is very fast dry....
      in thich paste the i take more grame flour and less yogurt ....
      and 1 tea spoon oliv oil ....

      2. how to i remove dry paste from body ???? and pest color is on body is white
      now a day i direct take bath and remove with water it's right process !!!!!!....

    5. - You'll probably want to add more yogurt, the gram flour and the yogurt need to have the same amount. It should come out kind of thick...
      - When the paste is all hard and crusty (kind of a dark yellow color) just wash it off with water, the bathtub is the best place to wash it off.
      I hope I answered your questions!:)
